My Story

My Story

A couple years ago I broke my pinky finger and it’s kind of a funny story...
The reason I’m telling you is because I’m ambitious and stay super busy doing all my ideas— I run this brand, I started a non profit called ArtLink, my ex husband and I started a tattoo shop and I do business management there, I help my husband now with his antique business, and I’m a wife and mom so you get it right?!  
Well, when I broke my finger it brought me to a HAULT! It was devastating. I figured a couple weeks of rest I’ll be back at it....Nope! 3 months!! I cried out to God “Why!!!??? What’s the point?” He was obviously stopping me for a reason. It was during that season of shutdown that I dug into time with Him again and it gave new purpose to Sacer and Savive. From that point on I new God wanted me to focus on the stencils­—that each stencil was the focus because they each represent a story, a journey, a milestone a motivation from Him.
As I cut each design out with an Xacto® knife, piece by piece I take away the little pieces that don’t belong. I cut out a section that’s not part of the image. And once all the pieces are cut away a beautiful image is revealed. An image you would never be able t to see without the pieces cut out.
Each stencil is a story for me personally but  a message for others too. As I cut out the design and take away what doesn’t belong it’s revealing what does. And in the end I’m left with a beautiful design to paint on a shirt that tells a story about Courage, Hope, Authenticity or another message to inspire someone.
I learned that each stencil is how God is revealing in me what He wants to be shown through me. He’s cutting away pieces of my old self , He’s cutting away hurt, He’s cutting away the pain and revealing what He wants to be shown: a beautiful, complete representation of him through me in each design, in a very unique story.
It’s a very real part of this brand now. The designs tell a story and I have many more stories to share.

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